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By The Makers Of Springfree Trampoline.


Your Ultimate Guide to Black Friday Swing Set Deals (2023)

17 Oct 2023
A mother and child sitting in a tent swing on a swing set.

Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year, and it's a great time to find deals on swing sets. If you're looking for a new swing set for your kids, or if you're looking to upgrade your existing set, NOW is the time to buy.  

In this article, we'll use our expertise at gobaplay to provide you with:  

  • Tips for finding the best Black Friday swing set deals. 
  • Types of swing sets and brands to watch for. 
  • How to find the right swing set for you. 

Whether you're a seasoned Black Friday shopper or a first-timer, we’re here to help you find the best swing set deals and get the most out of your Black Friday shopping experience. 

When Is Black Friday in 2023?   

Black Friday this year is on Friday, November 24, the day after Thanksgiving. However, Black Friday swing set deals for 2023 could be live well before Black Friday – which means it’s important to prepare in advance!   

Fun Fact: Black Friday earned its name because it signifies retailers' transition from being in a financial deficit (in the red) to achieving profitability (in the black) thanks to the surge in customer spending. 

Which Type of Swing Set Do You Need? 

There are several types of backyard swing sets to buy on Black Friday. Before considering swing set deals, you must figure out which type of swing set you need. Here are the common ones: 

Wooden Swing Sets: These swing sets are often crafted from durable wood, like cedar or redwood, and are known for their natural appearance and sturdiness. They can include various play features like slides, swings, and climbing walls. 

Metal Swing Sets: Metal swing sets are typically made from steel or aluminum, offering strength and durability. They are often more affordable than wooden sets and come with various swing options. 

Plastic Swing Sets: Designed for young children, plastic swing sets are lightweight and easy to assemble. They often feature bright colors and simple designs suitable for toddlers. 

Single Swing Sets: These are basic swing sets consisting of a single swing seat suspended from a frame. They are ideal for smaller spaces and single users. 

Multi-Swing Sets: Multi-swing sets can accommodate multiple swings, allowing several children to swing simultaneously. They are perfect for families with multiple kids or for playdates. 

Playground-Style Swing Sets: These swing sets resemble mini playgrounds, featuring a combination of swings, slides, climbing structures, and playhouses. They offer a wide range of activities in one set. 

Each type of swing set offers a unique play experience, so it's essential to consider your space, budget, and the age and preferences of the children who will be using it when choosing the right one for your family. 

A Backyard Discovery Swing Set. 

A wooden swing set, courtesy of Backyard Discovery. 

10 Steps to Prepare for Black Friday Swing Set Shopping 

We’ve narrowed down the 10 steps you need to take to get the best Black Friday swing set deal for you. They are: 

1. Research, Research, Research – As mentioned in the last section, research is CRUCIAL! Start your preparations well in advance of Black Friday. Research different types of swing sets, brands, and their features to determine what suits your requirements. 

2. Set a Budget - Decide how much you're willing to spend on a swing set -- consider financing options on large swing sets. Check out our expert analysis on the cost of swing sets for more information on pricing.

3. Measure Your Space - Measure the area in your backyard where you plan to install the swing set. Ensure there is enough space for the swing set and that it complies with safety clearances. 

4. Make a Wishlist - Create a wishlist of features you'd like in a swing set. Consider the number of swings, additional play elements (slides, climbing walls, etc.), and warranties.  

5. Identify Brands - Research reputable swing set brands known for quality and safety. Make a list of brands you trust and would like to consider during the sale and gather content information for any inquiries you may have during the sale. Check what awards the brands have won recently. 

6. Subscribe to Newsletters - Subscribe to newsletters of swing set manufacturers and retailers. They often send out early notifications about Black Friday deals and exclusive promotions to subscribers. 

7. Follow on Social Media - Follow swing set brands and retailers on social media platforms. Many companies announce special Black Friday discounts and offers through their social media channels. 

8. Check Reviews - Read customer reviews and testimonials for swing sets you're interested in. Reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and durability of the products.  

9. Plan Your Shopping Route - If you plan to visit physical stores, map out the locations and opening hours of stores that carry swing sets. Plan your route to maximize efficiency on Black Friday and prepare for large crowds!  

10. Online Shopping Ready - If you prefer online shopping, ensure you have a stable internet connection and create accounts on retailer websites in advance to expedite the checkout process. 

A gobaplay metal swing set. 

A metal swing set, courtesy of gobaplay. 

Top Swing Set Brands to Watch on Black Friday 

It’s never guaranteed that the swing set you want will be on sale for Black Friday. However, many brands offer sales of various types – here are some of the main brands to watch for as the shopping holiday approaches: 

Many swing set brands will offer a “$” or “%” off their swing sets/swing set accessories.

Again, the types of deals will vary from brand to brand. Check the brands’ websites and social media channels or sign up for their newsletters for the latest news on swing set deals. 

Where to Buy a Swing Set on Black Friday 

There are plenty of places to buy a swing set on Black Friday, both online and in-store. Here is where you should look for swing set deals:   

Online Retailers: Many online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and The Home Depot offer Black Friday deals on swing sets. Visit their websites and check for special promotions and discounts on swing sets. 

Manufacturer Websites: Consider visiting the websites of swing set manufacturers directly (see the brands above). Some manufacturers, like Backyard Discovery and gobaplay, may offer exclusive Black Friday deals and discounts on their products.  

Local Retailers/Dealers: Visit local backyard stores, or outdoor specialty retailers in your area. They often have Black Friday sales, and you can see swing sets in person before making a purchase.  

Membership Clubs: Warehouse clubs like Costco and Sam's Club may have Black Friday deals on swing sets.   

Online Marketplaces: Websites like eBay and Facebook Marketplace may have listings for discounted swing sets from individual sellers. Be sure to check the condition and safety of used sets if you choose this option. Always be hyper-alert for potential spam accounts! 

Using a price comparison website will be the best way to quickly compare deals from the top swing-set sellers in your area.

You can also find various coupons on price comparison websites. See the image below for price comparisons on a Lifetime Adventure Swing Set:  

Price comparison results on a Lifetime Adventure Swing Set. 

Swing Set Safety Is a MUST! 

When it comes to buying a swing set, safety should be your top priority.

While it's exciting to find a Black Friday swing set deals, it's equally crucial to ensure that the swing set you choose is safe for your children.

Here are some key safety considerations to keep in mind:  

1. Sturdy Construction - Opt for swing sets made from high-quality materials like durable wood or rust-resistant metal. Ensure that the structure is stable and capable of supporting the weight of multiple children. 

2. Safety Features - Look for swing sets with safety features such as secure anchors (swing sets should always be anchored), soft and impact-absorbing surfacing to put under the swing set, and rounded edges to prevent injuries. 

3. Certifications - Check if the swing set meets safety standards and certifications, such as ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) or CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) guidelines. These certifications indicate that the product has undergone rigorous safety testing. 

4. Age-Appropriate Design - Choose a swing set that is suitable for the age and developmental stage of your children. Some swing sets are designed for toddlers, while others are better suited for older kids.  

Is a gobaplay Swing Set Right for You?  

Ultimately, the right swing set for you to buy on Black Friday will be your decision. Now that you’ve read through this article, you’re more than set up to make that decision an informed one.  

We at gobaplay will be running sales on our new award-winning backyard swing sets this Black Friday. If you’re in the market for a small backyard swing set, you will want to check out the gobaplay Single Swing Set.   

It’s an aesthetic swing set, built sturdy (thick powder-coated steel frame), can easily accommodate almost any type of swing and is reasonably priced for its size and quality ($349-$449).   

We’ve already written a comprehensive and honest review of our Single Swing Set for you to assess whether it’s right for your backyard:  

Check it out: gobaplay Single Swing Set | Pros, Cons, Cost  

Our other brand, Springfree Trampoline, will also be running sales for Black Friday. Check out Springfree’s promotions if you’re looking for more ways to elevate your backyard fun.   

Happy shopping! 

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